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The MDU and Doctors in Distress partner to provide members with mental health and wellbeing support services

The Medical Defence Union (MDU), the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, has launched a new partnership with independent charity Doctors in Distress to provide MDU members with access to health and wellbeing services to support positive mental health. The partnership, launched today (13th November) to coincide with World Kindness Day, focuses on two initiatives. The… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK backs bill for Church of England disestablishment

Humanists UK has welcomed the announcement of a Private Members’ Bill which would disestablish the Church of England and separate church and state. Currently the Church of England is the official state religion of England, and the monarch is both the head of state and the head of the Church of England. The practice of… Read more »

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Knife amnesties begin in England, Wales and Scotland today
Knife amnesty begins

The first national knife amnesty for more than ten years begins today in England and Wales, with young people in particular called upon to give up their weapons. Scotland is running its own amnesty at the same time, as police and the government try to take knives off the streets and improve community safety. The… Read more »

John Reid announces greater say for victims in parole decisions
Reid takes the initiative over prisoner blunders

Victims will be given a greater say in the parole board’s decision to release offenders back into the community, John Reid has announced. The home secretary said this “rebalancing” of the system back in the favour of victims was “nothing less than the public expects”, following several high profile cases where dangerous offenders were set… Read more »