young offenders institutions

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BASC given permission to bring judicial review of Defra decision

  The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has been granted permission by the High Court to bring a judicial review of Defra’s decision to withdraw the general licence (GL43) that allowed the release of gamebirds in certain areas of England. BASC’s ‘Fighting Fund’ is being used to support the High Court challenge. BASC chief executive Ian… Read more »

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Youth justice expert calls for age of criminal responsibility to be raised
Criminal age ‘should be raised to 14’

The age of criminal responsibility should be raised to 14 and new prosecutors appointed with the aim of keeping children out of jail, an expert has recommended. Rob Allen, who has just finished eight years as head of the Youth Justice Board, warns in a new report that too many children are being sent to… Read more »

Sentencing advisory panel suggests shoplifters should not be jailed
Shoplifters ‘should escape jail’

Shoplifters should only be sent to jail if they used violence during their crime, the Sentencing Advisory Panel has recommended. The body responsible for advising on sentencing guidelines said that people guilty of a “standard offence” of stealing from a shop should not get more than a community order unless there were “aggravating factors”. It… Read more »