written constitution

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK backs first reading of disestablishment Bill

The Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill had its first reading in the UK Parliament today. The Bill would disestablish the Church of England and remove the automatic right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords. Humanists UK, which campaigns for a secular state, welcomed the introduction of the Bill. The Bill,… Read more »

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Brown promises a 'listening government'
Brown: ‘I will restore trust in politics’

Gordon Brown promised to restore trust in politics, in what will inevitably be seen as a criticism of Tony Blair’s leadership style. Mr Brown pledged to lead a government fully accountable to parliament, adding that MPs would be involved in decisions over war and peace. As chancellor, Mr Brown said his first move had been… Read more »

Blair argues EU can work well without a constitution
Blair in talks for future of EU constitution

Tony Blair is to meet with Polish leaders today for talks which are set to be dominated by the EU constitution. Both the UK and Poland argue the expanded EU can work effectively without a comprehensive constitution and argue instead for modifying existing treaties. Mr Blair is meeting with the Polish prime minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski… Read more »