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Humanists UK welcomes Ofsted’s call to tackle illegal schools and improve RE

Ofsted has called on the Government to take action on illegal schools. The call came in Ofsted’s latest annual report, published yesterday. The report also highlighted that religious education (RE) provision in English state schools is ‘not fit for purpose’, and that independent faith schools perform very badly in Ofsted inspections. Humanists UK, which has led the… Read more »

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Another day, another traffic jam
Motorists doubt road pricing system

The vast majority of motorists say the government cannot be trusted to deliver a fair road pricing system, a poll suggests. A survey of 17,500 AA members highlights the problems facing Gordon Brown’s government in introducing the new measures, though 42 per cent backed the idea in principle. The government has spoken of plans to… Read more »

Boris Johnson wants a new fleet of Routemasters for London
Boris under attack over transport funding plans

Conservative London mayoral candidate Boris Johnson has been forced on to the defensive over his plans to install a new fleet of Routemaster buses for the city. Mr Johnson was overheard telling a Labour supporter during a walkabout that the total cost of the Routemaster policy could cost around £100 million more than he had… Read more »