Public Spending

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The MDU and Doctors in Distress partner to provide members with mental health and wellbeing support services

The Medical Defence Union (MDU), the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, has launched a new partnership with independent charity Doctors in Distress to provide MDU members with access to health and wellbeing services to support positive mental health. The partnership, launched today (13th November) to coincide with World Kindness Day, focuses on two initiatives. The… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK backs bill for Church of England disestablishment

Humanists UK has welcomed the announcement of a Private Members’ Bill which would disestablish the Church of England and separate church and state. Currently the Church of England is the official state religion of England, and the monarch is both the head of state and the head of the Church of England. The practice of… Read more »

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George Osborne accused Gordon Brown of misleading parliament over spending cuts today.
Osborne: Treasury leak shows Brown misled MPs

By Liz Stephens Treasury documents show Gordon Brown misled MPs on the scale of Labour’s planned spending cuts, George Osborne alleged today. The shadow chancellor said the prime minister’s denial that he was planning large-scale cuts was undermined by leaked papers suggesting the government is preparing for “near ten per cent” cuts in departmental budgets…. Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Mandelson speech in full

Read the full transcript of business secretary Peter Mandelson’s speech to Progress here. Before the summer I said that we are now the underdogs in politics. I posed the question whether our response to that fact was to give into defeatism or to fight back. I know what the answer will be from our friends… Read more »