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Humanists UK welcomes Ofsted’s call to tackle illegal schools and improve RE

Ofsted has called on the Government to take action on illegal schools. The call came in Ofsted’s latest annual report, published yesterday. The report also highlighted that religious education (RE) provision in English state schools is ‘not fit for purpose’, and that independent faith schools perform very badly in Ofsted inspections. Humanists UK, which has led the… Read more »

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Lord Phillips says prisoner inmate rehabilitation is "impossible"
Top judge: Prisons have become social dustbins

Britain’s most senior judge has painted a worrying picture of the penal system, describing prisons as “social dustbins” for problematic residents. In an interview with the Observer, lord chief justice Lord Phillips said that current levels of overcrowding had made inmate rehabilitation “difficult or impossible”. Last week the government revealed that Britain’s prisons were nearly… Read more »

New prison projects show new building plans are far off the mark
Prison building plans ‘desperately short-sighted’

The home secretary’s plans to build more prisons have been condemned as “desperately short-sighted” after new figures show they will fall far short of the numbers needed. John Reid last week announced the building of 8,000 more prison places in England and Wales, taking the total up to almost 90,000 by 2012. But the latest… Read more »