Party Politics

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Firearms licensing failures impeding shooting sector

The failure of firearms licensing departments to prioritise resources is having a significant impact on participation in shooting sports and on the gun trade in England and Wales. Dozens of firearms licensing departments across the two countries are beset with significant delays and backlogs. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), the UK’s largest… Read more »

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Thousands get to learn ‘moor’ at UK’s largest annual upland education event

The shooting community and local gamekeepers successfully delivered Let’s Learn Moor 2022, showcasing the benefits of sustainable grouse moor management alongside key partner organisations. Three thousand children from schools across the North of England have had a chance to ‘rescue’ their teachers with the help of mountain rescue teams, solve rural crimes with the police and… Read more »

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Abbott : 'Absolutely no doubt' David will be available
Abbott: David will serve in shadow Cabinet

By staff David Miliband will definitely serve in the shadow Cabinet, Diane Abbott has said. The leadership contender told the World at One that party had emerged from the marathon four month contest “more united”. “I was in the room when we got the figures, the five of us, and it was a very… Read more »

Ed Miliband was elected leader, though 10% of the votes cast were spoiled
Labour leadership: One in ten ballots ‘didn’t count’

By Peter Wozniak As many as 10% of the ballots for the Labour leadership election were classed as ‘spoiled’ and did not count towards the final results, it has emerged. Of the 257,339 votes cast, reportedly 36,105 were spoiled, and therefore had no influence on the election which saw Ed Miliband pip his brother David… Read more »