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Being candid with patients is second nature to doctors, MDU survey finds

A new survey from the Medical Defence Union (MDU) of over 400 doctors has demonstrated doctors’ willingness to be open and honest with patients when something goes wrong in their care. The survey of 411 MDU members* found: 99% of doctors followed up incidents by apologising, explaining what happened and trying to put things right,… Read more »

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Gamekeeping Taskforce “needed now more than ever”

A year on from BASC Scotland’s call for the establishment of a Gamekeeping Taskforce, the Minister for Environment and Land Reform, Màiri McAllan MSP, has been urged to address the ongoing difficulties facing gamekeepers and rural workers in managing the countryside. Ahead of the 2021 Scottish Parliamentary election BASC Scotland called for the creation of a Scottish Gamekeeping… Read more »

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MPs are unhappy with GPs' choosing ability
GPs ‘swayed by drug marketers’

Too many GPs are being influenced by pharmaceutical marketing rather than official NHS advice when it comes to ordering drugs, MPs believe. A report published today by the Commons’ public accounts committee makes the claim as it analyses the £8 billion spent every year by the NHS on prescription drugs. “It’s hard to doubt that… Read more »

Carers are "hidden heroes", Alan Johnson says
Govt to address carer concerns

Gordon Brown says he will listen to carers’ concerns in this year’s forthcoming government strategy review. Yesterday saw the close of a consultation on how to improve the lives of Britain’s six million carers marked by an event attended by ministers. Over 1,700 submissions have been received and the government intends to work through them… Read more »