MPs Salary

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The MDU and Doctors in Distress partner to provide members with mental health and wellbeing support services

The Medical Defence Union (MDU), the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, has launched a new partnership with independent charity Doctors in Distress to provide MDU members with access to health and wellbeing services to support positive mental health. The partnership, launched today (13th November) to coincide with World Kindness Day, focuses on two initiatives. The… Read more »

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK backs bill for Church of England disestablishment

Humanists UK has welcomed the announcement of a Private Members’ Bill which would disestablish the Church of England and separate church and state. Currently the Church of England is the official state religion of England, and the monarch is both the head of state and the head of the Church of England. The practice of… Read more »

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Trouble on the way? MPs may find themselves facing criminal charges tomorrow.
Criminal charges against MPs to be revealed

By staff MPs will discover tomorrow if any of them will face criminal charges over their expenses. A handful of MPs’ cases have been handed over to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), which will announce if any charges will follow tomorrow. The list of people affected, made up of MPs and peers, is thought… Read more »

Main was forced to apologise in writing today
Tory MP ordered to pay back £2,100 for food

By Ian Dunt A Tory MP has been ordered to pay back £2,100 and apologise in writing for wrongly claimed food by the parliamentary standards watchdog. The judgement against Anne Main by John Lyon, the parliamentary commissioner for standards, comes on the same day as 390 MPs were ordered to pay back some expenses claims… Read more »