MPs Salary

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BASC condemns Yorkshire Dales nest incident

The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), has condemned an incident in the Yorkshire Dales where a nest of hen harrier chicks is suspected of being deliberately destroyed by human activity. North Yorkshire Police is calling for anyone with information about the incident near Whernside earlier this year to… Read more »

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Cameron promises to "restore trust" in politics
MPs ‘should lose right to set own pay’

Opposition leaders today supported moves to end the “unseemly practice” of MPs voting for their own pay rises. David Cameron voiced support for proposals from his party’s democracy task force to link MPs’ pay to a fixed benchmark, taking away their discretion over salary increases. Mr Cameron told reporters parliament needed to “get away” from… Read more »

Brown urges restraint as vote looms on MPs' pay
MPs to lose right to set own pay

MPs may lose the right to decide their own pay rises, as the government struggles to persuade MPs to accept an inflation-curbing pay award. The prime minister wants MPs to accept a 1.9 per cent pay rise, in line with other public sector workers. But the board which makes recommendations for MPs’ pay is likely… Read more »