Michael Gove

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BASC given permission to bring judicial review of Defra decision

  The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has been granted permission by the High Court to bring a judicial review of Defra’s decision to withdraw the general licence (GL43) that allowed the release of gamebirds in certain areas of England. BASC’s ‘Fighting Fund’ is being used to support the High Court challenge. BASC chief executive Ian… Read more »

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Michael Gove's interview this week saw him challenge the integrity of the journalist questioning him.
Has Michael Gove gone rogue (again)?

“What’s Michael Gove up to?” This perennial question is doing the rounds once more among Gove-watchers in SW1 after the Observer published details over the weekend of a “secret summit” on Brexit. The paper reports that the two-day summit in the Great Hall of Ditchley Park was a cosy cross-party affair, complete with an extraordinary guest… Read more »