* general election 2010

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BASC addresses members’ concerns with North Wales PCC

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has met key members of North Wales Police Crime Commission and the firearms licensing department to address concerns following a recent meeting of the North Wales Police and Crime Panel. During the meeting, in September, it was suggested that people should have a firearms licence for each gun they… Read more »

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Labour minister Phil Woolas wins by skin of teeth
General election 2010: Minister Woolas squeaks it

By Aled Thomas Immigration minister Phil Woolas has survived a large swing against him to cling onto Oldham east and Saddleworth by his fingertips. Mr Woolas has a majority of only 103 votes over his Liberal Democrat opponent Elwyn Watkins; winning 14,186 votes, or 31.9% of the vote. In the three-way marginal, the LIb Dem… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Counters struggle with ballot papers overnight
Hung parliament: What happens now?

A hung parliament is now almost certainly the outcome of the general election. But what is a hung parliament, and what would it mean? By Ian Dunt A hung parliament occurs when no party wins an outright majority of seats. It is very common in countries like Germany or Italy, which operate under the proportional… Read more »