* general election 2010

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Welsh government position on shooting confirmed

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has received ministerial confirmation which quashes claims that country sports will be banned in Wales by 2024.  The false information was spread through a series of social media posts in March this year, which made claims that shooting and other country sports would have no future in… Read more »

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Plaid Cymru have vowed to protect public services in Wales
Plaid: We’ll protect public services

By Richard Chidwick Plaid Cymru have promised to protect public services in Wales at the launch of their 2010 manifesto in Cardiff. The nationalist party said that talk by the main parties of spending cuts could leave Wales’ economy, which is more dependent on public spending than much of the country, in a worse state…. Read more »

Nick Clegg continues his attack on the banks today
Clegg’s five-point plan to end unfair bonuses

By Sabine Klensch Nick Clegg and Vince Cable unveiled a five-point plan to end the bonus culture at failing banks this morning. The two men also attacked bank bonuses as being symbolic of the culture of greed and excess that dominated the City. Mr Clegg said his party would regulate against excessive bonuses, so that… Read more »