* general election 2010

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK backs first reading of disestablishment Bill

The Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill had its first reading in the UK Parliament today. The Bill would disestablish the Church of England and remove the automatic right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords. Humanists UK, which campaigns for a secular state, welcomed the introduction of the Bill. The Bill,… Read more »

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Polls show populace is split on what sort of government should emerge
The polls: Britain is split

By Aled Thomas New polls suggest the country is split over which sort of government it wants to see emerge from talks. A poll in the Sun published today gives 20% to a minority Tory administration and 33% to a Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition. The paper, which has vociferously supported the Conservatives through the campaign, reported… Read more »