* gender and sexuality

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Management of game assurance scheme transferring from BGA to Aim to Sustain

The infrastructure of the assurance scheme built by British Game Assurance (BGA) will be transferred to Aim to Sustain (A2S), it was announced today (Monday October 16th). The transfer should be completed later in the Autumn and in the meantime, the scheme remains unchanged and open to new members. Following completion, Aim to Sustain will… Read more »

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Public sector told to recognise different needs
Public sector prepares for gender equality

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Reid signs EU Convention on Human Trafficking
UK signs up to tackle Human Trafficking

The home secretary John Reid has signed the European Convention on Human Trafficking, committing the UK government to addressing human trafficking. Coinciding with the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade, Mr Reid said the convention marked a step forward in combating the modern day slavery of human trafficking. “I am committed to tackle… Read more »