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BASC given permission to bring judicial review of Defra decision

  The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has been granted permission by the High Court to bring a judicial review of Defra’s decision to withdraw the general licence (GL43) that allowed the release of gamebirds in certain areas of England. BASC’s ‘Fighting Fund’ is being used to support the High Court challenge. BASC chief executive Ian… Read more »

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Paul Maynard claimed he was bullied by Labour MPs in the Commons
Miliband pressured to discipline Commons ‘bullies’

By politics.co.uk staff Charities are adding to calls for Labour leader Ed Miliband to take steps against MPs who allegedly mocked a disabled MP. Paul Maynard, an MP with cerebral palsy, claimed at the weekend he had been put off while giving a speech in the Commons by Labour MPs pulling faces at him. “Only… Read more »