Constitutional Reform

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BASC raises opposition to Welsh Government ban on snares

BASC is calling on the Welsh Government to present the evidence that supports their proposal to ban the use of snares. The call to legislate against snares has been included in a raft of proposals by the Welsh Government in their official response to the Agriculture (Wales) White Paper. This BASC Wales director Steve Griffiths,… Read more »

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BASC Ladies’ Star of Shooting awards 2021 open for nominations

BASC is pleased to announce that nominations to the annual BASC Ladies’ Star of Shooting awards have now opened. In recognition of outstanding contributions and support to ladies’ shooting the awards enter their fifth successful year. After the outstanding success of last year’s awards we will have the same three categories this year: Target Shooting… Read more »

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Lords vote to delay fraud bill
Lords defend right to trial by jury

The House of Lords last night rejected plans to remove trial by jury from complex fraud cases. Peers voted 216 to 143 to delay a vote on the fraud (trials with a jury) bill for six months, effectively killing it for this parliamentary session. However, the attorney general Lord Goldsmith warned the government would use… Read more »

Brown set for smooth leadership transition
Brown to be ‘appointed’ Labour leader

Gordon Brown will not face a party vote for the Labour leadership if a viable candidate does not emerge to oppose him. The Labour party national executive committee (NEC) decided today Mr Brown will not have to take part in hustings and seek an affirmative vote for the Labour leadership if he is the sole… Read more »