Constitutional Reform

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RSPB loses hen harrier judicial review

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has welcomed the decision by the Court of Appeal to dismiss legal challenges by the RSPB and Mark Avery into Natural England’s research into hen harrier brood management. In confirming the trial brood management scheme is legal, the courts have for a second time dismissed the RSPB… Read more »

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MDU calls for government action on violence against healthcare workers

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) is calling on the government to take concerted action to prevent and reduce violence against healthcare staff. In an article published in the MDU journal, which examines cases reported by members, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation found that only a handful of doctors and other healthcare professionals seek advice each… Read more »

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Mr Blair changed his kitchen while troops went to war
Blair spent £6,500 on new kitchen as troops went to war

As British troops marched to war in Iraq in March 2003 Tony Blair was buying a £6,500 kitchen with taxpayers’ money. The revelation comes from a list of MPs’ expenses released minutes ago by the government following a prolonged three-year legal battle to keep it secret. Gordon Brown spent £4,471 on “refurbishments” while Peter Mandelson… Read more »

UK census data could be at risk of falling into US' hands
Govt ‘must reassure’ on census data risk

MPs have called for reassurance that Britons’ personal data will not be made available to US intelligence agencies. The Commons’ Treasury sub-committee has today published a report expressing concern about bids for the 2011 census by US firms Lockheed Martin and T-Systems. Under the US’ patriot act it is possible for American intelligence bodies like… Read more »