Constitutional Reform

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Welsh Tory leader pays back his iPod
Welsh Tory leader pays back his iPod

The leader of the Welsh Conservatives has paid back the public money he used to by an iPod and made a donation to charity. But Nick Bourne and his Tory colleague Alun Cairns – who also had to pay back public money – both insisted they had not broken any rules. “Although the purchase of… Read more »

The week in Westminster December 22nd - January 12th
The week in Westminster December 22nd – January 12th

Parliament is in recess for the duration of the festive season but it returns half way through January. The length of the Christmas break caused a little controversy in the House as it was winding down, with parliament’s only UKIP MP, Bob Spink, tabling a motion calling for it to be shorter. It read: “That… Read more »