Constitutional Reform

BASC launches second newspaper campaign
Has your wild game hero been shortlisted?

Following over 250 businesses being nominated, the Eat Game Awards’ shortlist has been published ahead of a public vote to reveal this year’s wild game heroes. In its fourth year, the Eat Game Awards seek to celebrate and reward those who are championing wild game, and going the extra mile to promote and utilise the produce. Categories… Read more »

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Firearms licensing delays at untenable level, warns UK’s largest shooting organisation

Delays to firearms licensing are set to reach record highs causing significant complications for certificate holders according to the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). Covid restrictions, regulatory medical involvement and a peak in firearms licensing renewals has caused mass disruption across licensing departments in England and Wales. In… Read more »

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*Comment & Analysis
Jack Straw, the public interest, and you

By Alex Stevenson Who gets to decide what’s best for the public when it comes to freedom of information? The government, apparently. In an unprecedented move yesterday afternoon Jack Straw invoked the ministerial veto contained under provisions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000. He overrode the judgment of the information commissioner and the information… Read more »

Smith faces more questions
Smith expenses will be investigated

By staff Home secretary, Jacqui Smith, is to have her expense claims investigated by parliament’s standards watchdog. Parliamentary standards commissioner, John Lyon, has accepted a complaint about her claims for £116,000 for a second home despite having already refused to look into the matter twice. Ms Smith said: “He received a complaint, he’s investigating… Read more »