Constitutional Reform

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BASC welcomes review of habitat management course

The announcement that the new T Level responsible for educating future gamekeepers and land managers has been paused to reassess its specialist course structure has been warmly welcomed by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). The new course, Habitat management (land and water), has been earmarked to replace the current land & wildlife… Read more »

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Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU

Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU Responding to the publication of a government consultation on limiting claimant’s legal fees for cases valued up to £25,000, John Makin, head of the DDU, said: “This consultation has been a long time coming and is a welcome first step. However, for a… Read more »

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Ben Chapman, MP for Wirral South
Labour MP investigated over expenses

By Alex Stevenson Ben Chapman is the latest MP to be embarrassed by the Telegraph’s expenses revelations. Over ten months the Labour backbencher continued to receive mortgage payments on his second home in London despite the fact he had paid his mortgage off. The Telegraph newspaper claims his case reveals collusion between Mr Chapman and… Read more »

Michael Martin has been Speaker since October 2000
‘Sorry’ Speaker will fight on

By staff Commons Speaker Michael Martin is refusing to resign despite apologising for his part in the expenses scandal, amid tense scenes in the Commons. Mr Martin rebutted calls from backbench MPs for debate on a no confidence motion against him, saying it was up to the government or opposition to debate the issue…. Read more »