Constitutional Reform

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BASC outlines key demands in licensing fees review

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will not accept “rewarding failure” in the upcoming review of firearms licensing fees in England, Scotland and Wales. The review has been launched by the Home Office. A Fees Working Group, which includes representatives from BASC and the British Shooting Sports Council, has been set up. Its… Read more »

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BASC stands up for pest control against legal challenge

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will once more stand up for lawful pest control activities as anti-shooting group, Wild Justice, launch new legal attack. According to Wild Justice they are seeking legal action against the general licence to prevent serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit, fisheries or inland… Read more »

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Tom Watson, parliamentary secretary
Tom Watson steps down

By staff Parliamentary secretary Tom Watson has also stepped down from the government, on a day which saw Labour decimated by resignations. Mr Watson, who became embroiled in the Damian McBride email scandal, is intending to stay on as an MP. He previously hit the news as the junior minister responsible for the round… Read more »

Evan Harris, Lib Dem science spokesman
Expenses scandal: New revelations

By staff A round of new expenses revelations has hit the press, with several high profile politicians in the spotlight. Senior Liberal Democrat MP and science spokesman Evan Harris is alleged to have spent thousands of public money on his second home before selling it to his parents. Gwyn Prosser, Labour MP for Dover,… Read more »