Constitutional Reform

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Home Office deflates restrictive firearms bill

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) is fully supportive of the Home Office’s response to a private member’s bill wishing to restrict the use of firearms. Luke Pollard, MP for Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport, is introducing a bill that aims to ban the keeping of pump-action shotguns in homes. The bill wishes to tackle the horrific… Read more »

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New Cabinet in full
New Cabinet in full

After a reshuffle marked by defensive manoeuvres rather than marks of prime ministerial authority, the new shape of the Cabinet looks like this: Full Cabinet members Prime minister: Gordon Brown Business, innovation and skills secretary: Peter Mandelson (unchanged – Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform merged with Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills) Chancellor:… Read more »

Alan Sugar to become 'enterprise Tsar'
PM hires Alan Sugar

By Alice Cannet Businessman and apprentice star Sir Alan Sugar has been given the government role of enterprise tsar as part of the Cabinet reshuffle. Multimillionaire Sir Alan is also to be made a Lord to integrate Gordon Brown’s government, a new development in the political crisis unfolding today. Brown and Sugar are long-standing friends… Read more »