Constitutional Reform

BASC launches second newspaper campaign
BASC commits to hen harrier recovery plan

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has committed to contributing £75,000 towards Natural England’s hen harrier recovery work over the next three years, via its Legacy Fund. Three annual payments of £25,000 will aid Natural England’s objectives of winter roost monitoring, support and education around diversionary feeding, and the southern reintroduction of the species. The three-year agreement follows… Read more »

BASC launches second newspaper campaign
Successful amendment to Sentience Bill reassures those who work with animals

he new Animal Sentience Committee will now have to respect cultural traditions, religion, and heritage when scrutinising government policy following a successful amendment, which has been supported by BASC, to the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill. A group of 31 MPs proposed an amendment accepted by the government at the report stage of the Animal Welfare (Sentience)… Read more »

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Whips embarrassed by government defeat
Govt embarrassed by Commons defeat

By staff Just weeks after the humiliating defeat over the Gurkhas issue the government suffered only its second defeat in the Commons ever yesterday. MPs were voting on a series of motions creating ‘regional grand committees’ when the unusual event occurred. The government was defeated by 104 votes to 98 on a minor proposal… Read more »

Ed Balls to scrap Blair's school policy
Balls ‘breached Speaker’s rules’

By Alice Cannet Schools secretary Ed Balls was accused today of breaching new Speaker John Bercow’s ruling that MPs should speak to the Commons before making any announcement to the press. Ex-Tory minister Christopher Chope urged Mr Balls to issue an apology to MPs after he announced in the media that the government national strategies… Read more »