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Firearms licensing service improved after criticism

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has been made aware that several firearms licensing departments that had previously stopped grant applications have revised their policy after criticism from BASC, press coverage and intervention by MPs. Licensing departments in North Yorkshire, Thames Valley, Kent and Northamptonshire had all previously announced that grant applications for… Read more »

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Cameron: Boris 'has twice the charisma' of Ken
Cameron backs “own man” Boris for mayor

David Cameron has thrown his support behind Boris Johnson’s campaign to be mayor of London. The Conservative leader appeared alongside his party’s candidate in Edmonton, north London today for the final launch of his mayoral campaign. Mr Cameron said Mr Johnson was twice as charismatic and energetic as his rival Ken Livingstone, who the Tory… Read more »

Labour at 29 per cent low in the polls
Economic woes see Tories continue poll-lead

The Conservatives continue to hold an election-winning lead over Labour with Gordon Brown continuing to lose voters’ confidence. The latest YouGov poll for the Daily Telegraph places support for the Conservatives at 43 per cent, up three on last month. Support for Labour has fallen four points and now trails 14 points behind on 29… Read more »