conservative party

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BASC welcomes review of habitat management course

The announcement that the new T Level responsible for educating future gamekeepers and land managers has been paused to reassess its specialist course structure has been warmly welcomed by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). The new course, Habitat management (land and water), has been earmarked to replace the current land & wildlife… Read more »

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Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU

Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU Responding to the publication of a government consultation on limiting claimant’s legal fees for cases valued up to £25,000, John Makin, head of the DDU, said: “This consultation has been a long time coming and is a welcome first step. However, for a… Read more »

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John Major speaks out on civil liberties
Major speaks out on 42 days

Parliament should challenge the government’s erosion of civil liberties, former prime minister Sir John Major has said. Writing in the Times newspaper, Sir John attacks the government’s policies on pre-charge detention, identity cards and the ‘surveillance society’. “This is not a United Kingdom that I recognise and parliament should not accept it,” he says, criticising… Read more »

Today's PMQs could be especially tough for Mr Brown
Cameron launches savage attack on Brown

David Cameron has launched a savage attack on Gordon Brown in the first prime minister’s questions since the Crewe and Nantwich by-election. Click here for full PMQs analysis Mr Cameron ran with the controversy over fuel tax. “Can he give us one of his trademark U-turns?” he asked. Mr Brown, clearly prepared for the line… Read more »