conservative party

Wales Humanists launches report on 100 years of disestablishment
Humanists UK backs first reading of disestablishment Bill

The Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill had its first reading in the UK Parliament today. The Bill would disestablish the Church of England and remove the automatic right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords. Humanists UK, which campaigns for a secular state, welcomed the introduction of the Bill. The Bill,… Read more »

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Week-in-Review: Covid sleaze is back and more politically potent than ever

On Tuesday evening, former health secretary Matt Hancock caught wind of disconcerting rumours that a significant story about him was brewing. The concerned MP texted Isabel Oakeshott, the anti-lockdown journalist and unlikely co-author of his pandemic memoirs, asking her if she had “any clues” about the developments. He received no reply. A little later on,… Read more »

News Feature
Damian Green's comments will position him against IDS and other Tory eurosceptics
The decline and fall of the ‘one nation’ Conservative

As the Conservative party’s various factions have jostled for position since 2016, the political landscape has undergone some profound transformations.  The rise and falls of Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss speak to the distinct trajectories of Conservatism’s intellectual strands. Most recently, Truss’ 49-day escapade was founded upon a free-marketer ideological zeal, retreating to… Read more »