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Humanists UK welcomes Ofsted’s call to tackle illegal schools and improve RE

Ofsted has called on the Government to take action on illegal schools. The call came in Ofsted’s latest annual report, published yesterday. The report also highlighted that religious education (RE) provision in English state schools is ‘not fit for purpose’, and that independent faith schools perform very badly in Ofsted inspections. Humanists UK, which has led the… Read more »

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Betty Williams MP wants govt to go further on dangerous dogs
Dog attack MP rejects control proposals

By Alex Stevenson A Labour backbencher scarred for life by a Rottweiler attack last year has said the government’s proposals on strengthening dangerous dog legislation do not go far enough. Conwy MP Betty Williams has been “disfigured for life” after she was bitten by a “beast of a dog” in her local park last September…. Read more »

Conwy MP Betty Williams was bitten by a Rottweiler
‘Dog Asbos’ for dangerous pets

By Alex Stevenson The government is proposing to give police and councils the power to impose ‘dog control notices’ as part of a crackdown on dangerous dogs, but a prominent backbencher has criticised the proposals for not going far enough. Environment secretary Hilary Benn said growing public concern about dog attacks was a “serious issue… Read more »