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Dual regulation for medical professionals is risky and unfair says MDU

Speaking at an event today, the Medical Defence Union (MDU) said the expected arrival of a dual system of regulation at the GMC next year could introduce confusion to an already outdated system of healthcare professional regulation. While speaking at the Westminster Health Forum event today on Next steps for professional healthcare regulation in the UK,… Read more »

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NI’s shooting and countryside organisations meet PSNI firearms branch staff

Northern Ireland’s shooting and countryside organisations recently met with Police Service of Northern Ireland Firearms and Explosives Branch (PSNI FEB) staff and senior officials from the Department of Justice (DoJ) in Belfast. Formed in May 2021, the Northern Ireland Firearms Representative Group (NIFRG) is an umbrella group which brings together 10 national and local shooting and… Read more »

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Cardinal O'Brien threatened pro-abortion politicians
Cardinal threatens pro-abortion politicians

Cardinal Keith O’Brien has urged Catholics to withhold their vote from pro-abortion politicians, calling the practice an “unspeakable crime”. In an emotive but carefully worded statement, he warned Catholic politicians of “the barrier such co-operation erects to receiving holy communion”. Most commentators are taking the phrase as a thinly veiled warning politicians who do not… Read more »

Britain's biggest pregnacy service has said current abortion laws are outdated
Abortion laws ‘are arcane’

Britain’s leading pregnancy service has called for a review of abortion laws and for current restrictions requiring two doctors to authorise terminations to be changed. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (Bpas) wants just one doctor to be able to authorise abortions and for some nurses to be able to dispense the abortion poll in the… Read more »