Greenpeace reaction to Met Office – 2023 second hottest year

Commenting on the news that 2023 was the second warmest on record for the UK, Greenpeace UK’s policy director, Doug Parr, said:

“Climate alarm bells are ringing, following back-to-back hottest years on record, but Sunak has his fingers in his ears. There is massive voter support for climate action and you’d think this news would call for an emergency response from the UK government – a plan to cut temperature-rising emissions further and faster. But our Prime Minister’s newest plans consist of ramping up oil and gas drilling in the North Sea and delaying key policies that would slash emissions from cars and housing – or scrapping them altogether. Unless Sunak reverses these decisions and delivers the kind of bold policies needed to tackle the climate crisis, his likely short Premiership will be marked as one of climate failure.”