MSLs show Government’s blatant contempt for teachers, says NASUWT

Commenting on the proposed introduction of Minimum Service Levels in education, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT – the Teachers’ Union, says:

“NASUWT will not stand by whilst this Government continues its campaign of bullying teachers into silence.

“Unions are united in condemning the proposed introduction of politically motivated MSLs in education. The Government continues to ignore the fact that it is impossible to secure minimum service entitlements for pupils in an education system so neglected and underfunded, instead opting to aggressively quash criticism with this inflammatory policy. The Government is once again demonstrating its contempt for teachers, at a time when they should be listening to the concerns of the profession and facing up to the crisis in recruitment and retention they have created.

“Ministers have put forward no compelling justification for MSLs in schools and colleges. Rather than continue discussions on scope for reaching a voluntary agreement with unions, the Government has pulled the rug. We have always been willing to work with the Government, but Ministers in the DfE must come to the table willing to engage, and with the authority to reach agreement. It has become increasingly clear that the Education Secretary does not have that authority.

“Today’s announcement is a shameless and politically-motivated attack from an out-of-touch Government on a beleaguered and demoralised profession who day after day, continue to deliver for our children and young people, despite mounting costs to their own mental and physical health.”