Greenpeace responds to the Autumn Statement

Responding to the Autumn Statement, Rebecca Newsom, head of politics at Greenpeace UK, said:

“The Chancellor is completely out of step with the reality people are facing up and down this country. Today, we needed to see bold leadership and a big vision for a green industrial strategy, but all we got was tinkering at the edges. These small reforms will do nothing to tackle the scale of the problems our economy and climate face.

“The US, EU and China are already lightyears ahead of us in supporting investment in green technology, and investors have been left “shaken” by our government’s recent u-turns on net zero. This Statement has done nothing to change that.

“We urgently need a vast scale-up of renewable energy, warmer homes and making transport greener. This would boost our failing economy, help ordinary people with the cost of living, and tackle the climate crisis at the same time. As things stand, this Chancellor is failing on all three.”