Shell post over £5 billion in quarterly profits as Storm Ciarán batters UK

London, UK – responding to the news that Shell has announced profits of £5.02 billion ($6.22 billion) during the third quarter of 2023, Charlie Kronick, Senior Climate Advisor at Greenpeace UK, said: “Shell and new Chief Executive Wael Sawan are doubling down on oil and gas, posting billions in profit just as another huge storm batters the UK. Climate change is wrecking lives from Aberdeen and Acapulco and with energy bills in the UK set to rise again this winter, many households will be asking why Shell is allowed to get away with it.


“People are sick of watching oil bosses feign concern about the planet while slashing jobs and investment in renewables and ploughing money into dividends, share buybacks, and new fossil fuel projects. With COP fast approaching and the UK government trashing its own climate commitments,  we urgently need  real climate leadership at home and abroad to force the oil and gas industry to stop drilling and start paying for the damage they cause.”