UK government supports moratorium on deep sea mining

Commenting on the UK government announcing its backing for a moratorium on deep-sea mining, Greenpeace UK’s oceans campaigner Fiona Nicholls said:

“The UK government’s change of heart on deep sea mining shows the tide is turning against this destructive industry threatening some of the world’s last undisturbed habitats. Within just a few years, Britain has gone from proudly sponsoring deep-sea mining licences to backing a moratorium on them, showing that people-powered campaigns can win the argument against corporate exploitation.

“With this move, the UK government has clawed back some credibility as a global ocean champion. But if Rishi Sunak wants to maintain it, he needs to work with other governments to agree a full ban, announce concrete plans to ratify the historic Global Ocean Treaty in the King’s Speech, and completely rethink his stance on fossil fuel expansion. The climate crisis is one of the biggest threats to marine life, and more oil and gas drilling will only make it worse.”