Irish and UK unions warn Strikes Act could breach post-Brexit deal and “stoke UK-EU tensions”

  • Pernicious legislation is “dire” for workers in the UK and across Europe

The TUC and ICTU have today (Thursday) joined forces to warn about the impact of the Conservatives’ Strikes Act on future UK-EU relations.


The Irish and UK union bodies say that the legislation could put the UK in breach of its labour obligations under the UK-EU trade and cooperation agreement.


They add that this could lead to “hefty sanctions” and “stoke tensions” between the UK and the EU.


In a joint statement, the TUC and ICTU say:

“This matters for the UK’s future trading relationship with Europe – including the Republic of Ireland.


“It risks putting the UK in breach of its labour standards commitments in the Trade and Co-operation Agreement with the EU – exposing the UK to hefty sanctions, and stoking UK-EU tensions.


“This is the last thing working people in Northern Ireland and the wider UK need – and it’s no good for working people in the Republic of Ireland and the wider EU either.”


The warning comes as unions from the UK and Ireland meet at the annual Council of the Isles to discuss key issues facing working people in the UK and Ireland.


The EU Commission recently put its concerns about the legislation to the UK government.


TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said:


“The Strikes Act is dire for workers in the UK and across Europe.


“The UK’s new laws are an attack on the fundamental right to strike – they’re unworkable, undemocratic and very likely unlawful.


“This really matters for UK trade with Europe.


“It could put the UK in breach of its post-Brexit trade agreement with the EU. That could mean financial penalties on the UK, which would hurt workers and businesses.


“And it would sour the UK’s relationship with the EU – including the Republic of Ireland.


“That’s why we’ve joined forces with Irish unions to warn about this pernicious legislation.


“Ministers are playing fast and loose with international commitments because they want to distract from their appalling economic record.”