TUC blasts “obscene decision” to lift bankers’ bonuses cap

Commenting on reports today (Tuesday) that the government is to lift the cap on bankers’ bonuses, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said:


“This is an obscene decision.


“City financiers are already enjoying bumper bonuses. They don’t need another helping hand from the Conservatives.


“At a time when millions up and down the country are struggling to make ends meet – this is an insult to working people.


“Rishi Sunak has shown once again that he is more interested in feather-nesting the super-wealthy than helping struggling families.


“Rampant inequality will do nothing to boost growth or competitiveness – it will just hold our economy back.


“This is why we need to have a national conversation about taxing wealth properly in this country. It is time for those at the top to pay their fair share.”


City bonuses over the last two years have been the highest on record.