Storm Babet shows this is no time to slow down climate action

In response to the damage and disruption caused by Storm Babet in Scotland and other parts of the UK, Greenpeace UK’s head of climate, Mel Evans, said:

“Our thoughts are with all of those affected by the devastation and disruption brought by this storm to Scotland and other parts of the UK. This is a sobering reminder that the climate crisis is literally on our doorstep and this is no time to slow down efforts to tackle it.

“Rishi Sunak’s lackadaisical approach to tackling the climate crisis is like taking the batteries out of a fire alarm, while your house is ablaze, just so you can go back to sleep. His plan to ‘max out’ oil and gas reserves is like striking the match.

“Without bold action to cut emissions as fast as possible, extreme weather events, like these devastating floods in Scotland, will become more and more common. Giving up on tackling the climate crisis means giving up on protecting communities. As the minister ultimately responsible for our national security, this should give Sunak pause for thought.”