Greenpeace responds to CCC analysis on net zero rollbacks

Responding to the Climate Change Committee analysis that net zero rollbacks will cost people more money, Mel Evans, Greenpeace UK’s head of climate, said:

“We are never going to reach our climate targets by rowing back the policies to get us there, and this damning indictment from the Climate Change Committee shows us just how much Sunak’s rollback will cost ordinary people and damage the UK’s global reputation.

“Cutting plans for home insulation and continuing our dependance on gas boilers will only ensure household bills remain at the mercy of volatile fossil fuel prices, whilst making sure big corporations and the oil and gas lobby win big.

“Boosting renewables, prioritising insulation and giving clear, consistent policy signals on electric vehicles would help families across the country, harness more private investment, and tackle the climate crisis. But instead Sunak has chosen to play politics with the climate, sow division, and distract people from the real problems the country faces.”