Labour’s New Deal will “improve working lives” for millions

  • Policies “hugely popular” with the electorate
  • New Deal will increase job security and boost productivity, says union body
  • TUC – Labour’s plan is in stark contrast to Tories divisive approach

Commenting on Angela Rayner’s speech to Labour Party Conference today (Sunday), TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said:

“Labour’s New Deal for Working People will improve working lives for millions across Britain. It’s the biggest upgrade in workers’ rights in a generation.


“We need employment standards fit for the 21st century so that everyone knows they’ll be treated fairly at work with decent pay and conditions.


“Good employers should welcome these plans. The New Deal will help create more productive workplaces and stop rogue bosses from undercutting the best.


“Decent, secure jobs are essential to building a motivated, healthy workforce and are what every worker deserves.”

On the contrast with the Conservatives divisive approach, Paul Nowak added:


“For 13 long years, the Conservatives have presided over a race to the bottom on pay and conditions at work.

“And they are now launching a full-scale attack on the right to strike.


“The country desperately needs a fresh start. Voters across the political spectrum want more security and fairer treatment at work.


“Strong unions are at the heart of the New Deal. Repealing the Tories anti-strike legislation and giving unions access to workplaces will make Britain’s workplaces fairer and more productive.

“This is night and day from the Tories’ who want to pick fights rather than listen to people at work.”

Overwhelming support for Labour’s New Deal


TUC polling published last month shows there is overwhelming public support for Labour’s New Deal for Working People.

The polling – conducted by Opinium – shows large-scale support across the political spectrum for Labour’s flagship workers’ rights programme, including among Conservative voters.

The polling reveals:

  • Day one rights: 2 in 3 (67%) support all workers having a day one right to protection from unfair dismissal – including 61% of Conservative 2019 voters. Only 16% of UK adults oppose it.
  • Gig economy rights: 6 in 10 (62%) support giving those working in the gig economy new rights and protections such as sick pay and holiday pay – including 59% of Conservative 2019 voters. In contrast, just 6% of UK adults oppose it.
  • Ban on fire and rehire: 2 in 3 (67%) support a ban fire and rehire – including 64% of Conservative 2019 voters. In contrast, 17% of UK adults oppose it.
  • Ban on zero hours contracts: 6 in 10 (63%) support a ban zero hours contracts – including 60% of Conservative 2019 voters. In contrast, 14% of UK adults oppose it.

And there is strong support for collective rights too, including:

  • Union access to workplaces: Over half (51%) support giving trade unions a right to access any workplace to tell workers about the benefits of joining a trade union – including 4 in 10 (38%) Conservative 2019 voters. In contrast, 17% of UK adults oppose it.

All of these policies are in Labour’s new deal for working people – which the TUC says will be “transformative” and “the biggest upgrade in workers’ rights in a generation”.

Labour has pledged to deliver new rights for working people in an employment bill in its first 100 days.