Energy UK respond to the Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate

Responding to the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Mandate published by the Government today, Yumann Siddiq, Policy Manager at Energy UK said:

“Building a world-leading electric-automotive sector will bring forward benefits for the economy, jobs and society. The introduction of a ZEV mandate is an essential step in providing necessary certainty to businesses, investors, and customers on the pace of the transition to EVs in the UK. We therefore welcome implementation of the mandate from January 2024 which will ensure sale of ZEVs swiftly increase market share toward 2035.  

“Low carbon technologies like EVs and heat pumps directly engage consumers in the transition to Net Zero. Last week’s announcement to delay various Net Zero measures and push back the target to phase out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans brought uncertainty. However, it was also met with renewed determination to double-down on the pace of delivery from vehicle manufacturers, chargepoint operators and the energy industry. UK businesses remain committed to accelerating the transition to Net Zero, lowering costs for all consumers and bolstering Britain’s energy security – swift uptake of smart devices and low carbon technologies like ZEVs is vital in delivering this future.”