Sunak’s climate rollbacks at odds with leading energy experts’ advice

Responding to the International Energy Agency report published today, Greenpeace UK’s senior climate campaigner Charlie Kronick said:

“The world’s leading energy experts say we must move faster to get off dirty fossil fuels but the prime minister is rolling back energy efficiency measures and putting up barriers to clean energy that would lower our bills, all while promising to ‘max out’ North Sea oil reserves.

“Sunak is not only out of touch with expert advice, but he’s completely at odds with the UK public who told us in our recent poll that they want more insulation, more renewable energy, and a proper windfall tax.

“Rowing back on climate policies just at the time we should be speeding them up will also hit our economy hard, leaving us trailing behind other countries on the green economy, undermining investment confidence for growth in key industries, like renewables, clean heat and electric vehicles.

“With the public, business leaders and world-leading energy experts all in agreement that climate rowbacks are a bad idea, it begs the question of whose advice Sunak is listening to. The only clear winners are the oil and gas companies, and the ideologues on his own backbenches.”