Sunak’s speech “a giant con trick” on the country

Commenting on the prime minister’s speech today announcing the watering down of a series of key climate and energy policies, Greenpeace UK executive director Will McCallum said:
“This speech is a giant con trick played on the country by a prime minister who has run out of ideas. Sunak isn’t offering working people honesty or a brighter future – he’s putting his oil and gas cronies first once again. Only serious investment now in peoples’ homes, health and jobs can help people in the short-term while safeguarding our children’s future, and today Sunak has shown he simply doesn’t care enough to try. Forward-looking businesses have made it clear that they need stability and a clear direction of travel, yet what they’re getting is endless flip-flopping from this government that will put off investors and cost jobs. Instead of sabotaging the economy and the UK’s global reputation, ministers should take bold action to fix our energy-wasting homes, unblock affordable renewables and make public transport cheaper and better for everyone. These are all popular policies that will lower our energy bills, clean up toxic air pollution, create jobs – not to mention cutting planet-heating emissions. Sunak’s attempt to split the country and claw back a few votes may well end up splitting his own party and losing him votes instead.”