Government invests £200 million to boost NHS resilience and ensure patients receive the care they need this winter

On Thursday 14 September, the Department of Health and Social Care announced the investment of £200m to boost NHS resilience and ensure patients receive the care they need this winter. £200 million in new funding will help support services through peak months. Alongside this, £40 million is being invested to bolster social care capacity and improve discharge from hospital. The Department of Health and Social Care say funding will ensure patients are seen as quickly as possible, while also driving forward plans to cut waiting lists.

Professor Martin Green OBE says: “The £40 million investment into social care capacity is to be welcomed. We know that adult social plays a crucial role in strengthening admissions avoidance services and boosting discharge rates with support lent to the NHS. This funding will only be successful if there is true collaboration and partnership with care providers. Integrated Care System and Local Authority leaders must work pragmatically with care providers to determine how this funding will best serve to improve outcomes. We have too often seen small, temporary funding injections lost in system bureaucracy without serving to materially improve care. We must strive to ensure a new future is realised.”