The NASUWT comments on NFER report on Cost of Living Crisis Impact on Schools

The NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union today calls for urgent help for pupils and teachers as the cost-of-living crisis further exacerbates pupils’ needs for additional support in schools.

The latest NFER Cost of Living Crisis Impact on Schools Report finds that cost-of-living pressures have increased the number of pupils requiring additional support in over 80% of schools.

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:

“The results of the NFER Impact on Schools report are of grave cause of concern and an indictment of years of government failure.

Teachers and headteachers should not be expected to pick up the pieces of government failure.

The cost of living crisis is creating widespread suffering, hardship and destitution amongst children and young people.

No child should go to school hungry or wear dirty, ill-fitting clothes.

Despite the pressures on them, teachers and headteachers are providing access to food, basic hygiene products, and clothing in the absence of other support services.

We need to see a commitment from government to delivering the educational entitlements of all children and to a Better Deal for all children and young people.”