Greenpeace response to onshore wind announcement

In response to the changes in planning rules for onshore wind, Greenpeace UK’s policy director, Doug Parr, said:

“These feeble tweaks are just more hot air from the government that’ll result in very little wind.

“Developers will continue to face uncertainty over planning process and be beholden to quixotic decisions by local councils. Who will put their money into developing projects under those circumstances?

“Resistance to onshore wind is so ingrained into parts of the Conservative Party’s psyche that – no matter how much we need cheap, clean energy to lower bills and slash emissions, and no matter how popular renewables continue to be – they just can’t bring themselves to lift England’s onshore ban.

“If Sunak really cared about the climate, delivering energy security or lowering bills, he’d stop obsessing over oil and gas and just remove the planning constraints to get wind turbines built here. It’s really not that hard.”