IET: Revolution in space flight coming soon

Space tourism is just around the corner according to an international space expert

Dr Adam Baker and other experts will expand on what the wider public can soon expect to see from the UK space industry. The event, organised by the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET), will take place on Monday 21 November at IET London: Savoy Place.

Dr Baker will reveal how advances in technology systems and operations could reduce the high costs and widen space accessibility for all. He will also discuss whether it is time for the UK to get back into the business of space launch, and how might we do this.

Dr Baker said: “Space plays a vital role in our daily lives, with scientific and technological advances for satellite applications including security, defence and telecommunications – without realising it we’ve come to take space for granted – yet people travelling into space is still dangerous, expensive and highly exclusive. When might we be able to take a package holiday in space as easily as we can fly abroad today? That’s something that we’ll be talking about at this event.”

Will Whitehorn, Former President of Virgin Galactic, and now Chairman of the Loewy Group will be charting the history of man’s fascination with space. He will also outline what can be achieved for space tourism, and what technological challenges need to be overcome to enable greater ventures.

Patrick Wood, from space satellite firm Astrium UK, will also talk about how important the space industry is to our economy and daily lives.

Notes to Editors:
The IET is Europe’s largest professional body of engineers with over 150,000 members in 127 countries.
The IET is a professional home for life for its members and supports them throughout their careers.

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