IET: Now is not the time to cut investment in ITS

Europe’s biggest group of engineers is today urging the UK government not to cut investment in intelligent transport system technology (ITS). The call comes as the Transport Select Committee, to which the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) submitted information earlier in the year, publishes its report on reducing road traffic congestion.

The IET agrees with the findings of the Committee that more needs to be done to help local highways authorities roll out ITS, which could help the UK to realise the £7bn worth of saving identified by the Eddington Transport Study. This was a key opportunity identified by the IET Transport Policy Panel’s Can we really do more for less cost with the UK road network? report published earlier this year.

Professor Phil Blythe, Chair of the IET Transport Policy Panel, commented on the help local highways authorities needed: “One of our concerns is that there are not enough trained professionals within some local authorities who have the necessary experience, understanding, and capacity to make informed decisions surrounding the adoption of ITS systems and services that could make significant savings and benefits for the area.

Moreover, lack of regional co-ordination causes local authorities to procure systems for their area, rather than considering larger cross-local authority procurements that could derive greater benefits. Roads do not end at local highway authority boundaries.”


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Transport Select Committee Report: ‘Out of the Jam – Reducing Congestion on our Roads’, HC872, Ninth Report of Session 2010-12
The IET’s submission to the Transport Select Committee: ‘Effective Road and Traffic Management’.
The IET’s report: Can we really do more for less with the UK road network?