IFAW: Canada’s Seal Hunt branded a cruel waste of money

Representatives of The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) are off the coast of Canada documenting the commercial seal hunt, where only a scattered number of seals are being found. Only 27 sealing boats headed out and the global lack of demand for seal products combined with concerns over the methods of killing the seals has led IFAW to question why Canadian taxpayers’ money is being wasted on an industry with no independently viable future.

“On day one of the commercial seal hunt on The Front only 27 boats have gone out and sealers are being quoted in the news saying it’s not feasible to hunt seals,” said Sheryl Fink, Director of IFAW’s Seal Program. She added, “if hunting seals is a market-driven industry as many people claim, then why isn’t the Canadian Government listening to what the market is saying and why are millions of tax dollars being poured into it?”

“The earlier hunt in the Gulf of St Lawrence was a total failure this year. Lack of ice meant there were hardly any seals and only 1% of the quota was killed. The hunt on The Front is shaping up to be similar. Most sealers are making the economically viable choice and fishing for crab instead of participating in a cruel seal hunt that is worth less and less each year.”

Each year IFAW documents examples of seals being hooked and dragged across the ice while still alive for skinning, to others being shot in the water and dragged by hooks on to the ice, with no attempt made to check for consciousness. Fink added, “But even those who ignore the cruelty involved in the commercial seal hunt cannot ignore the numbers. Now even the sealers are saying hunting seals is not viable.”

The landed value of the hunt was just over $1 million in 2010, yet an estimated $2.3 million was spent to support it. This year there is a proposal to cut $84.7 million dollars from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, budget, which IFAW believes doesn’t add up if the government is still pouring money into supporting the commercial sealing industry.

“This cruel hunt just isn’t worth it. Not from an animal welfare perspective, not from the perspective of the sealers and not from an economic perspective for Canadians,” said Robbie Marsland, Director of IFAW (UK). He added “both seals and sealers need protection and they are not getting it. It is time that the Canadian Government did the right thing, ended the seal hunt and provided sealers with stable and secure alternatives.”


For more information contact IFAW UK:

Josey Sharrad, 020 7587 6728 or mobile 07717 692099 or email jsharrad@ifaw.org


Kevin Flack, 020 7587 6710 or mobile 07769 657291 or email kflack@ifaw.org
Or IFAW in Canada for further information or to schedule interviews with Sheryl Fink, please contact:

Michelle Cliffe, IFAW Global Communications Lead, Seals
Telephone: +1 508 344 1300
E-mail: mcliffe@ifaw.org

Editors: Still images and broadcast quality video b-roll related to Canada’s commercial seal hunt are available:

– Images and video will be delivered via www.ifawimages.com as they are obtained.

– Journalists can register to access 2011 commercial seal hunt visual assets at:
Stills: www.ifawimages.com

Video: www.ifawimages.com

The Numbers*

$10 million

The Numbers*
Number of commercial sealing licenses 6,000
Number of sealers who participated in 2010 commercial seal hunt 390
Number of companies who process seals 4
Landed value of seal pelts in 2010 $1.2 million
Landed value of “other” products including meat and oil in 2010 $60,000
Export value of seal products in 2010 $2.1 million
Annual cost for Department of Fisheries and Oceans to monitor the hunt** $1 million
Cost to fight the EU ban on seal products at the WTO***

Cost to tourism, other trade areas and Canada’s reputation Unknown, but likely significant

*Unless otherwise indicated, source is Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ 2011-2015 Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Atlantic Seals
**Estimate based on information received through Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP).
***Estimate based on McCarthy Tétrault trade lawyer Simon Potter, published in the Globe and Mail, 28 July 2009.

About IFAW

IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) was established in 1969 and its founding campaign was in opposition to Canada’s commercial seal hunt. IFAW has more than 40 years of experience raising awareness, documenting and opposing the cruel commercial hunts for seals in Canada and around the world.