IET: Top summit to discuss future for UK manufacturing

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Europe’s largest professional engineering organisation, is joining key industry experts and a senior business Minister for a top level summit today, to discuss rebuilding UK manufacturing.

In the face of recent figures that suggest manufacturing is driving growth in the UK economy, the leading professional institutions will be advising government on how to ensure this growth is sustained over the months and years ahead. The discussions will form part of the Government’s Growth Review Framework for Advanced Manufacturing, led by Mark Prisk MP, who will address the Summit. The Framework will feed into measures in the 2011 Treasury Budget to help sustain manufacturing growth.

The IET’s Head of Policy, Paul Davies said: “As we have seen from recent economic data, the manufacturing sector is keeping the UK economy afloat; the economy is therefore at risk if we do not work to encourage these green shoots to grow. Industry leaders and government need to come together to debate the issues facing UK manufacturing. This summit aims to do just that. As a leading adviser on manufacturing policy, the IET stands ready to play its part in ensuring the future of manufacturing in the UK.”

The 2011 UK Manufacturing Summit is supported by the Engineering the Future group to assist government and industry in building a manufacturing base fit for the challenges of the 21st century and tough international competition.

Delegates will hear the views of top manufacturing stakeholders including Andrew Reynolds Smith, Executive Director at GKN, and Paul Jackson, Chief Executive of Engineering UK. Top economists including Ruth Lea, Economic Advisor to the Arbuthnot Banking Group will give advice on how to boost investment among grass roots manufacturers.

Topics covered by the summit include the importance of skilled workers in the manufacturing sector, capital investment and SME innovation. Experts from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and other professional bodies, will debate with key industry leaders, representatives from the financial world and Business Minister Mark Prisk MP exactly how to boost UK manufacturing.


Notes to editors:

Expert spokespeople are available from the IET on manufacturing and a range of engineering subjects

Journalists who wish to attend the event can contact the IET Press Office

The event will be held at the IMechE headquarters at Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London

The IET is Europe’s largest professional body of engineers with over 150,000 members in 127 countries

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