BHA: Italian gay group join protest against Papal state visit

The Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA) has welcomed the news that that the Rome based LGBTQ campaigning organisation, The Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli, will be joining the protest against the Papal state visit in London this weekend.

Three members of the group will join the demonstration in Twickenham on Friday, and the march and rally in Central London on the following day, where they are expected to announce the launch of Europride 2011 which will take place in Rome. The group’s visit to the UK has been generously sponsored by and

Spokesperson for the group, Andrea Beradicurti told GALHA ” Our organisation is very happy to take part in the events of the “Protest the Pope” campaign. We believe that our participation as the main Roman lgbt association can give a remarkable contribution to accurate information about the Italian political situation and the Vatican policy of unbearable veto towards the rights of the lgbtq community”.

GALHA Chair Adam Knowles commented “We have read with great concern about an upsurge in homophobic and transphobic attacks in Italy in recent months, and the refusal of the Italian parliament to pass anti-homophobic legislation. Clearly there is a connection between these developments and the homophobic stance of the Vatican. This is yet another reason for members of our own community to support our Italian colleagues, by joining in the protests this weekend.


Enquiries: GALHA Campaign Coordinator. 07921188329. Further info:

Richmond Coalition against the Papal State visit: Friday 17th September 9am opposite the entrance of St Mary’s University College, Waldergrave Road, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, TW1 4SX.

Protest the Pope March and Rally-Saturday 18th September 1.30pm Hyde Park Corner (top of Piccadilly).